Saturday, 15 March 2014

popo's 70th birthday bash.

highlight of today's post : popo's 70th birthday bash!

boyfriend came to our house after his morning lesson.

then we cabbed to popo's 70th birthday dinner in the evening!

hey blove! :'>

hehehe ^,^

on our way to popo's birthday dinner! *excited*

parents went to pick the grandparents up and so we cabbed there on our own first.

one of the earliest to reach!

a pic first before everyone else starts to stream in!

boys will be boys.

lol, benben looks so poor thing here, always getting bullied by boyfriend!

saw Ryan and Reymus outside the restaurant.

while waiting for the rest to arrive, we posed for pics!

school-bag // dinner bag.

dressed in bright colours for popo's 70th birthday bash!

another reason i love attending birthday celebrations is because we get to dress up! :'>

finally got the chance to wear the dress that i initially wanted to wear for CNY chu 1 this year!

the way Reymus stands... #lastwarning

like an old man! HAHAHA

aiyo... why is my brother so skinny!?
i need to think of a way to fatten him up!

it was getting really hot waiting outside, so we proceeded in first.

half and half.


slowly, more and more of them arrived!

given a private room coz we've got 4 tables full! :O

we had Tung Lok Buffet for popo's birthday dinner.

it's buffet style.

not the kind where you go and take whatever you want from the buffet line, but we were given the menu and we can order as many times as we can of those items!

well, it was not as nice as the ala carte dishes at Tung Lok restaurants, somehow.

we sat at the kids' table!

nicololo, getting prettier and prettier!
so lovely with her bangs!

the little one, getting cheekier and cheekier each time i see him!

meimei and reymus!

had some time, so i helped 4yi with the decoration of popo's birthday cake!

a very very personalised cake where you cant find elsewhere coz it's decorated by 4yi!
they ordered the cake from elsewhere, but did all the deco on it ourselves!

4yi made the 'shou' word, the 'mom' words and the mini shou-tao!
super cutez!

these 2 baskets of shou-tao, specially ordered for popo!

i was eating halfway, then i got busy coz i had to complete popo's birthday book!

with all the help given by the little ones, the sibz and the boyfriend!

reymus too, running all around to help me get the guests to write their birthday greetings!

was too preoccupied with the birthday book that i didnt know the boyfriend did this to me! Tsk. Lol.

 no matter how busy, when you sees the cam, look up and smile! :'>

kids dont really eat much.

they only eat a little in the beginning.
thereafter, they will just run around.

only the few of us sat still at our table.

everyone taking turns to carry the youngest one in the family!

i thought this is funny! haha!
must see who he's taking pic with first before he decides if he wanna smile. lol.

he's ok with daddy, so here goes.

random group pics.

popo and her grandchildren!

meimei, being meimei, she wants to eat the prawn, but she doesnt wanna peel it.

well, so Reymus being such a kind boy decided to do it for her. #seriousboy

de-shelling it for her!

aiyo... de-shell not enough, still needa feed! lol.


super helpful boy // super lazy girl. 

gonggong playing with his new baobei. haha.

gonggong with his grandchild and great-grandchild!

with the bob-hair girls!

i was busy with the birthday book and i handed my digi cam over to benben and/or boyfriend.

this is what they did.
taking pics of their shoes like what girls will do! tsk, purposely one! Lol.

some more group pics!

and when more joined in!

meimei helped me with the polaroids for popo and her guests.
grabbing popo for photos every now and then!

grandparents with the baskets of shou-tao :)

parents with popo :)

nicololo and popo :)

johnjohn's family and popo :)

reymooooose and popo :)

grandparents and baby jayden :)

benben and popo :)

finally, my turn!

grandchildren and popo :)

pics turned out fine all the while but somehow, i cant remember who the photographer is.

the pics turned out alittle less good.

finally, our turn with popo :)
but why cut off halfway one!?

ok, i think the photographer is Ryan!

oh, but he's quite good with selfie! LoL, pass! ^,^

soon after, we prepared the cake for cake cutting!
cupcakes all hand made by 4yi!

yes, i've got a really talented aunt.
please let me know if anybody wanna make any orders for cakes/cupcakes.
i think she's more than willing to sell them!

happy couple :D :D

singing the birthday song!

as usual, the younger ones helping to blow off the candles!

made her wishes and cut the cake!

removed the big shou-tao and there were many mini ones below!

group pic, ALL of us!

the mini shou-taos for everyone!

and the cheeky boy starts his cheeky act!


gonggong had to adjust it for him.

2 big shou-taos, with an additional mini one in his hand!


hahaha, that cheeky laughter!

buay tahan him! LoL :D

each a mini sho-tao coz it's popo's birthday!

presented popo her birthday book after she settles down.

glad that she loved it!
at least i know, my efforts paid off!

to the woman who took care of me and watch me grow since I was a little girl till now, thank you for everything that you have done for me. On your special day, I wish you happiness, good health and good wealth always! I love you, popo! 

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