Friday, 16 January 2015

Siam Kitchen // DIY Baked Rice.

accompanied benben to go collect his pay from his part time job.

he was pretty stressed at whether to go JC or Poly.
whether what course to take if he goes Poly and so on.

to the extend he has to complete and submit his choices, on a random bench in town.

my stressed up brother.

cant make any mistake, otherwise he has to pay to edit. 
what a system .-.

no choice, he just had to double-check, triple-check. lol.

aft he was done with his JAE admission, we went to grab a bite.
wanted to bring him to dine at Paul but he doesnt want to have something so exp.
so we settled for this...

headed home thereafter.

boyfriend has lesson, so he met us later in the evening aft his class for dinner together.

today, we had feel for Thai food, so we decided to dine at Siam Kitchen.
hmm... at the end of the meal, all of us still prefer Thai Express.

taste nicer and portion's bigger.
worth so much more than Siam Kitchen.

ok, that probably would be our last time dining there. bye.

as for dinner, benben taught us how to DIY baked rice!

quite fun and successful too!
catch the vid on my insta @ngelayne ^,^

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