Thursday, 5 March 2015

90th Solo : Sin-Fra-Jfk-Sin (New York day #2)

it's a clear day here in New York.

nice weather, no snow.

sadly. it's also our standby day.

no choice but could only spend half a day out and had to rush back to the hotel coz we were on standby.

first things first, fill our tummies.


3 slices to share!

after which, we made our way to the Brooklyn Bridge.

clear icy snow on ground!

we walked quite a distance and finally saw 'Brooklyn Bridge' on the green board!
so happy! probably means we were near!

and yes, so near now!

Brooklyn Bridge Cafe.

and we decided to walk on it.

let's go!

finally, on the bridge.

it's so cold my cheeks and nose turned rosy!

walked on the bridge with cars below us!

 on the Brooklyn Bridge --- checked.

 looking across, that's Manhattan Bridge.

the bridge, so artsy.

trying to capture a panorama view of the bridge.


 nice weather, but still feeling so cold when the wind blows~

 people do love locks anywhere, everywhere.

after walking so long, still on the bridge.

more love locks!

 selfie with my kakis.

finally got someone to take a group pic for us!

we walked 3.2km from Brooklyn to Manhattan.

then next, we headed to World Trade Center.

paid a visit to the 9/11 Memorial.

feeling so sad seeing all the names there.

 Speicla Operations Commando's name was there too.
such sadness.


 even sadder when someone recognizes the victims :(

aft that, we took the subway back to town!

still feeling afraid of these kinda train station.
scared i'll fall in :O

seeing the Empire State Building from ground.

zomg, where's Chuck Bass!?
hehe, missing GG.

then, fast marched 3.2km, through 34 streets along 5th Ave.

finally found A&F coz colleague had a shopping list with her.

it was so cold, but we were perspiring as we fast marched back to the hotel!

well, back to the hotel, settled down, and nua-ed the whole day.

coz of time difference, we're flying back to Frankfurt today, but only touching down tmr.

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