Friday, 7 February 2014

9th Solo : Sin-Mel-Sin (Mel Day #2)

greetings from Melbourne! :'>

ytd didnt have the chance to take pic coz it was late alr, but anw, this is the exterior of our hotel.

it's another shopping day!

but first and foremost, we had to take our breakfast!

aft breakfast, we followed the boss to Victoria Market!

while waiting for our tram!

their 'buses'.

no sight of the tram tt we can take yet.


it totally reminded me of the past!
looks so old!
did i go back in time? lol.

the only tram tt we can take for freeee!

hopped on!


and it's damn cute.

they have a female bus conductor who will announce the upcoming stations' names whenever the tram is approaching the next stop.

not trying to judge, but i think she looks quite cartoon with her shades and uniform. haha.
it's a positive remark!

minutes later, we dropped off and boss led the way coz he knew exactly how to walk there and all.
he seemed really familiar with the place!

we just followed.

 tadah! here we were!

Queen Victoria Market!

oh, and say hi to Taneeshma!
2nd time working with her! :)

headed to the meats section first coz boss wants to get some meat.

zomg, so much raw meat!

we werent getting anything.
it felt like we were on an excursion more, fascinated over all the meats!

they really sell all kinds of meat, even KANGAROO meat! :(

while waiting for them to shop for their meats!

the variety of meat cuts/parts are so so wide that i don't know which to choose!
if only i knew what is good to cook what!

soup bones which is humongous!

they sells GOAT MEAT too :(

moving on, we went to the seafood section.

lobsters look damn good!

salmon too! looks damn good!

ahhh, i wanna eat sashimi NOW!

two of them went to get fresh oysters.

squeezed the lemon all over the fresh oysters!

like really fresh ones!

summer time in Melbourne!

moving on to the dry-stores section.



i love grocery shopping!

and vegetables!

hehe, more shopping done!

aha, feeling like an auntie at the market, but i just like grocery shopping!

otw back to the hotel, we spotted a pet shop.

birds in cages, hung just outside the shops.

for that moment, i was really afraid the birds will shit on our heads.

catching our tram!

hehe, so glad we got a seat!

went back to hotel to deposit our stuff first.

roads of Melbourne.

i want my hump.

rested for awhile in the room, then headed out with Taneeshma for more shopping.

Lord of the Fries.

because #YOLO.

pretty buildings!

with my loots from shopping!

hehe, and one of my favourites!

went back soon after coz we wanna take a nap before preparing for work in the night.

yay, i'm heading home! :'>

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