Saturday, 14 June 2014

Movie Marathon With The Favourite Boys.

it's a movie marathon with my favourite boys!

met blove at town.

snacking before the movie.

finger food.

pics with the boyfriend while benben took his time to munch his food so slowly and carefully with his set of braces teeth. lol.

hehe, love ni! 

brought benben to his fav shops before the movie.

benben can spend so much more time than us in those shops.
so there we were, waiting :'>

'ben, hurry la! tsk. LoL.'

and the boyfriend joined me. hehehe, yay! >;'|

we caught 'Maleficent' at PS.

a scary Disney movie, but enjoyed it nevertheless.

brought the brother for dinner at Skinny Pizza.

ordered some sausages and truffle fries to share.

as well as one pizza.

our 2nd visit here, but sigh... still a disappointment.

we still prefer our toppings to be cheesed to our pizza base, not just scattered all over.
so this place's a no-no for us.
decided to not dine at Skinny Pizza again.

then we caught 'How To Train Your Dragon 2' at City Square Mall.

toothless is so cute, omg! ^,^

and because the boyfriend's gonna forsake us for mahjong, I insisted for a pic before he go!
ok, mayb 2. lol.

love this pic! 

♡ kkthxbye 

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