Saturday, 26 July 2014


brought benben for dental in the morning.

oopsie, i took too long to prepare and caused him to be late. sorry :/

blove came to find us thereafter.

while waiting for our table, it's pics time!

hehe, that cheeky face of his!

lol, and the act-innocent face!

we had lunch tgt at Paradise Dynasty tgt w benben.

this is our must-order from Paradise Dynasty ever since the first time we tasted this.

tried their suan la la mian this time, but was just so-so.

probably shall stick to the soup la mian.

and i finally got to try the dessert tt i always wanted to try from here!

their souffle balls!

hmm... i enjoyed it, but it's nothing fantastic.
may/may not order the next time round.

some pics after our meal :'> :'>

hehe, the boyfriend's really full *burps*

happy  day!

and it's always so difficult to snap a pic of my fav boys tgt, coz both will refuse!

 but they do similar things together.

such as:

1. looking at girls~

2. fighting/playing

3. laughing out loud in public

hahaha, nevertheless, i love them both! :'>

and that was it before boyfriend and i decided to forsake him and go on a date. lol.

 coffee/tea time at Coffee Bean.

taking care of our farm like he always do ^,^

caught a movie tgt.

while waiting for the cinema to be ready.

making memories :'p

last pic before going in! 

we watched 'Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes'.

i enjoyed the movie (Y)

walked out and spotted Bumblebee.

as well as Optimus Prime.

and that was our date out.

cant wait for another date to make up for this special day! 
love you love you! ♡

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