Saturday, 9 August 2014

Singapore's 49th Birthday.

if you're wondering why am i so free now, that's because i'm on annual leave. lol.

glad to be in Singapore this National's Day.

woke up for morning breakfast with the family at BK.

i've tried so many fast food restaurants and my verdict is:
macs or any other fastfood restaurants > BK.

that is especially so after my experience at BK this morning.

i was having breakfast with the family and we waited for at least 15 mins for our food to be ready.

well, this is inefficiency on their part.
but alright, we'll let it pass seeing that they're under-staff.

aft mins, our food was finally ready.

however, we were given the wrong order!

we ordered 1 Pancake Platter and 1 Pancake with Sausage Platter but were given 2 Pancake Platters instead.

i got benben to bring it back to the counter to exchange for our right order.

to my shocking surprise, the staff actually followed benben to our table, just to take a peek at the Pancake Platter on our table whether there's any sausage patty before he made his way back to the kitchen and exchange the right order for us!


do you have to go to that extent?

if we had intentions of cheating you of one pathetic sausage patty, you think the sausage patty will still be on my plate?

and please, it's just one freaking sausage patty.

zomg, i can be certain that if i were to be at McDonalds and the same situation applies, they'd have first apologise, and immediately without any hesitation, change it and give me my right order.

that's probably what makes McDonalds stand out from the rest.

not only is it efficient, it's customer service is so so much better than other fast food restaurants. 
in this case, way exceeding BK's.

that really pissed me off there.

anw this National's Day, blove and i decided to head out.

walked to Raffles City and had Soup Broth Asia for lunch.

Vietnamese Rice Rolls as our sides.

we shared Sumo Nabe Ramen.

wasn't expecting much outta it, but it was amazingly good.
exceeded our expectations (Y)

we went Suntec and zomg, it underwent such drastic change i can barely recognise it now!

but anw, Happy 49th Birthday Singapore! #ILOVESG

in red and white to celebrate our nation's birthday!

 ok, i know blove has tried his best.

3 cheers for that white pants there and a little tinge of red/maroon on his top! :'>

dinner was at Yomenya Goemon Japanese Spaghetti House.

my first time trying this was when I was at Japan.

have always wanted to try this with blove back in Singapore.
now, we finally got the chance to!

pics did'nt do justice to the food.

the lighting was just bad and i did'nt know what to do.

oh well, shall not dwell on it too much.

headed home soon after dinner.

got on the bus home.

coincidentally, fireworks were showing and it was red at the traffic light!

teehee, so national day was alittle different this year.

we were catching the fireworks from inside the bus! hehehe :'>

though the day was short, but i still enjoyed it nevertheless.

thank you for taking some time off your school work and spend it with me.
love you 

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