Friday, 5 September 2014

57th Solo : Sin-Dme-Iah-Sin (Houston Day #4)

because of time difference, i'm always waking up at odd timings here in Houston.

i was sleeping in the hotel room and suddenly just decided to wake up.

and zomg, that was the most apt time to wake coz i woke up to good news --- biujie just delivered!

i jumped up in excitement and started whatsapp-ing the boyfriend! 

prayed hard for biujie's smooth delivery and am so glad it was answered!

i waited patiently for pics of the newborn!

here he is!

aww~ so small~

 biujie looking great, and her newborn!

the girls and the baby.

aww~ i wanna carry the baby too!

biujie made a collage of Jayden when he was a little baby and his brother now.

haha, babies look the same!

and Jayden now is a big baby who refuse to get off the brother's bed! haha.

was feeling hungry then too, but i only had cereal and yoghurt to fill me coz everything else outside is so exp!

moreover, i alr spent a bomb on food earlier during the trip.
shall learn to save.

flying back to Moscow in awhile.

yay! this means i'm closer to going home!
can't wait!

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