Sunday, 28 December 2014

77th Solo : Sin-Cdg-Sin (Paris Day #1)

Bonjour Paris!

touched down in Paris.

checked in, then took a nap while waiting for Daren to arrive.

he actually took an hr plane to come find me!
tt's nice of him :D

received his call, got prepared and off we went to explore Paris.

the mrt map.
see till i blur. why so many lines!?

bought our train tickets!

at the train station.

touristy shot!

excited to explore Paris!

let's go!

found Angelina.

there was a long q!

but we q-ed nevertheless :o

daren still in q, just that i hopped out for a photo :'>

and we're finally in!

that's the view of the cafe when we were next in line.

showed to our table.

him deciding on what to order.

while i try to tap on wifi!
lol, always a need uh!

ordered their Hot Chocolate.

coz this is what they're known for.
you can add the whip cream if you want, but i chose not too :/

our meal :D :D

after our meal, we headed to the shop and see if there's anything we can get.

everything looked so nice...

but they're way exp too :/

see see, look look, take pic and left.
not worth at all.

when we left the cafe, it was alr dark.

made our way to The Louvre.

while on our way, this is the first public bus number i spotted in Paris.
why why why!
i miss my boyfriend la!

and we can actually spot the Eiffel Tower from afar!

took a touristy shot in front of the 'Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel' since it's also a known thingy.

next up --- The Louvre.

oi, shoo la!
本小姐 wants to take pic right! ^,^

ok, thanks :'>

travel buddy for this trip!

enough of pics at The Louvre.

moving on to see the Eiffel Tower.

spot the Eiffel Tower.
it may seem near, but it's actually a dist away.
plus, it was so dammit cold, i don't even wanna walk there.

we decided to pay and take the train.

q-ed in the cold to get the tickets.
so glad i'm 23rd this year coz  if i come back next year or the year after, i won't be able to enjoy student price anymore!

waiting for the lift to bring us up up up!

this lift will bring us halfway up, and we have to wait for another to bring us all the way up.

halfway there!
q-ing again for the lift to bring us up to the summit!

halfway on the Eiffel Tower.

then the wind had to start to blow blow blow~

tooo brr-ing coooooold!

and aft waiting for so so long in the cold, we're finally up there!
pics first!

look at the beautiful view from the top!

so glad to be up there, but it's even more cold!

forcing a smile with the strong cold wind hitting right onto my face!

then i couldn't take it anymore, i had to block it off!

and hide at a corner. lol.

our faces all turned red coz of the cold!

but since i was there and paid to be up there, i told myself to brave the cold wind for pics!
a must!

night view from the top.


then we headed down where's there's like a gallery of diff countries tallest building in comparison to the Eiffel Tower.

spotted ours, but i think it's not updated.
thought mbs is the tallest building, no?

a pic with the scenery at the midway of the tower.

apparently, they have souvenir shops and all.

decided to take a walk around.

they even have a see-through flooring which you can see through all the way to the ground.

plus, they have an ice-skating ring.

and a mini Eiffel Tower.

reflections reflections.

at the souvenir store!
mickey says hello from Paris!

and that was the end of our tour.

went back down.

because it's Christmas Season, we're thinking, that's why they have a big globe under the Eiffel Tower.

and when i say big, it's huge!

a few pics before we leave and go back to the hotel.

till next time.

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