Thursday, 4 December 2014

Nicololo's early birthday celebration at USS.

it's my offday!

so the siblings and i made an impromptu decision to bring the kids to USS!
since we were there, we took it as an early birthday celebration for Nicololo too ^,^

grandpa sent us into Sentosa.

first, get food!
benben suggested Astons.

okay, he's good.
i didn't even know there's an Astons there!

deciding on what to order.
the girls :D

nomznomz :D

in that pic, meimei's face was cut off.
when we decide to take another, Cayden doesn't wanna take anymore :/

aft filling our tummies, we're ready to enter USS!
meimei and i making full use of our season pass while the kids got a day ticket.

the boys!

feeling the christmas vibe!

meimei went to check if Nicololo can get some stuff since her bday is nearing!

while the girls were doing that, the boys got bored waiting.

lol, Cayden's just so nua.

benben, act one cool. lol.

oh yay!
they gave Nicololo some souvenirs for her bday!

aft getting that settled, we're all ready to explore USS!

Christmas at Santa's Land.

because we just filled our tummies, we didn't wanna get on any exciting ride yet.

let's go take the boat ride at Madagascar!

 sit sit, see see :D 

going for our next ride!

fly high!

because no one helped us take, it's selfie time with the bro :'>

moving on to our next ride.
a really long queue, but at least it's moving.

such a pity the pic turned out so dark, but that's Nicololo and Cayden!

 and aft which, we went for the Mummy Ride, but Nicololo and Cayden doesn't wanna go, so they went for this ride.

well well, aft our Mummy Ride, they q-ed again with us and took the ride again. lol.

 there were 6 of us, so 2 had to join 2 other strangers and they volunteered to do so.
hahaha, they look so cute sitting behind!

 as for ours, guess who's our driver for the day.

it's Kylie!

and our passengers. haha.

putting my fan into good use.

 the girls :D

tgt with benben now :D

spotted them while we were on our ride. haha.

 then we caught the Sesame Street show later.

cookie monster is too cute!
so fat and flabby! LOL

aft the show, the girls wanted to go see what the 'snow' was made of.
well, as usual, the boys just sat while waiting. lol.

they were totally not interested. haha.

 meimei :'>

 the girls came back with a bunch of hmm... paper confetti.

and created their own snowfall. lol.

 making a mess at the place.
oopsie :o

time to snack thereafter.

'Hollywood Churros', it states.

bought one to share, but sadly, it sucks.
not at all awesome.
such a waste of money.
felt so cheated.

Cayden insisted on having the Corn Dog.

and he refused to share with anyone else, so i had to bring Kylie to get another.

toilet break before going for more rides!

oh wait, pic time first :D

all smiles :'D

 i'm well prepared with my snacks in my bag to share :'>

then Nicololo decided to redeem her cup of popcorns :'>
it's a complimentary bday treat for her!

walked to the customer service office to upgrade the kids' passes to season passes.

and Cayden was given stickers.
of which he actually pasted them all over his polo as decoration. lol.

yay to season passes!

 each of us have one! :'>

the sky turned dark and we went strolling around the park, enjoying the pretty lightings.

went to take the Canopy ride again coz there was no queue!

happy us coz USS extend their closing time during this christmas period!

night time in USS.

wanted jump shots.

but failed too many times :/

pics with the huge christmas presents deco on our way out.

 a final pic coz we spotted Santa before heading out!

it was a fun day, but sadly, i didn't get to meet the boyfriend.
argh, still missing him!

dinner was at Vivo with 4yi.

we all wanted Sushi Tei, so there we were! :'>

thanks for the treat, 4yi!

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