Saturday, 28 February 2015


大年初十, parents invited relatives over.

prepared steamboat, but sadly, i've got to prepare for work in the evening and hence, couldn't enjoy much.

kylie loving the specs tt i got from Shanghai.
so, i gave it to her. haha.
matching with her qipao tt night.

biujie helping out with the cold dish.

while my fav boys keep her son occupied.

his signature 'gooooooooooooal!'

blove's cap on his head.

lol, he still prefers his own.

boys' talk.

dragging blove out to see the 'monkey' in the toilet.

coz he's scared. haha

then dragging him out to see the 'dog' outside the room.
he's scared again. lol.

making himself at home.

busy people in the kitchen.

mummy carrying the little one. haha.

Jayden's too cute.

he wanted to see the fishes.

benben carried him up.
he pointed to the fishes in the tank...

and put them in his mouth.
haha, indicating that they're fooooooooood! lol.

aiyo... the way benben carries him, as if he was gonna fall! lol.

back to the aircon room...

this time, asking blove to bring him out to see the fishes.

cold dish's almost ready :)

blove brought him to see the tortoise first. lol.

hahaha, he scared :/

still prefer the fishes. haha.

wanted to dip his hand in the tank :O

smile for the camera :)

made him chuckle :D :D :D

everything looked so goooooooooood!
dinner's almost ready!

back in the aircon room, climbing up the bed and grabbing Paul Frank.

then he got interested in the 'mic'.

hahaha, why so cute!

'testing testing~'

singing happily~

and things got messy when he brought 2 'mics' together and bang them against each other.

ok, last hi-5 before going for dinner.

dinner's ready. 
and i had to eat first coz i needa prepare for work :/

Uncle Roy sent me to work in the evening.
blove tagged along.

after i alighted, blove texted me, saying he followed Uncle Roy back to our place.

like what!?
he actually went back to bond with my family members!
aww~ that's so so unexpected!

how to not love him, you tell me!?

such sadness i've got to leave for work.

oh well, such is life.

it's a night flight.
will only be touching down tmr morning.

so check back for updates here! :'>

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