Tuesday, 30 June 2015

114th Solo : Sin-Per-Sin

 time to work again.
this time, to Perth.
nice weather upon touching down.
checked in.
headed out straight to supermarket aft.
bought bubble bag pack on impulse, but it was too cute to resist! LoL.
going home tmr :D

Monday, 29 June 2015

Help! Sand Fly Bites On My Legs!

boyfriend accompanied me to the doc's coz I've got sand fly bites on my legs :(
because we have coupons for Lenas at BPP outlet, so we met benben before we headed for dinner.
all to share.
dinner time with my fav boys.
desserts to share :D

Sunday, 28 June 2015

I-van's ah gong's birthday.

went SQ's house to find the boyfriend and friends for mj session.
headed to his house thereafter, then took his bro's car to his aunt's place to celebrate their ah gong's birthday.
while waiting for his brother.
at his aunt's place.
meet Pitt.
dinner was at some restaurant, walking distance from the house.
with their cousins :D
then his aunt dabao-ed some durians back home.
hehehe, because his girlfriend loves durian.
cake cutting time!
 getting into position for photo taking!
happy birthday I-van ah gong!
 1, 2, 3, cheeeeeeeeese!
fun shots!
aft which, his bro sent me home. heh.
thanks Gavin!

Saturday, 27 June 2015

59th Monthsary

it's a busy and happy day!
touched down from Paris in the morning.
took a nap aft work.
blove came over our house, then we left to shop for Eileen's present.
headed home early for KBBQ dinner to celebrate meimei's bday.
still love long bus rides w you ^,^

seldom in jeans, esp in SG, but i've got a big bruise on my leg i was too ashamed to show :(
hence, the outfit today.
someone's in the mood for pics~ yay!
hehehe :)
back at home, in my comfort zone :'>
taking a break from selfies!
my feet's so suan, as usual, from work.
and he's probably the only one who's willing to massage them for me!
and the next thing he did made me LOL!
who does that?!
fingers and toes!? LOL
hahahhaa, too cute!
leaving for J10.
dinner place.
KBBQ for dinner tonight.
 happy 59th monthsary, darling!
headed home to shower aft dinner, then went to ICE with boyfriend coz his friends were otw there and I know he wants to go too lol.
so thankful parents allowed!
while waiting for him to be out from his shower!
cabbed to ICE thereafter.
while waiting for the cab.

oh plus, it's our 59th monthsary, so I wanna spend the whole special day with him! :'>
at ICE.
thanks for the day, blove.
loving you alittle deeper again! :'*