Wednesday, 3 June 2015

HKG Day 2 With My Girls.

day 2 in Hong Kong!
feels great that i'm not here for work, but on a holiday with my girls!
went Jenny Bakery to see if there's any q before leaving for somewhere further for food and shopping.
zomg, no q!?
so lucky!
hence, we decided to go buy first and bring them back to the hotel to deposit, so we don't have to carry them around.
back in the hotel, selfie time. hahaha.
don't you think we look cute in our colourful bedroom slippers? hehehe ^,^
 first stop --- Australian Dairy Company for breakfast.
really lucky again, coz there wasn't any q!
breakfast in Hong Kong.
sorry, I requested for another pic coz I think my bag too cute. hahaha!
aft we had our breakfast, we walked out only to realise there was a long q outside!
zomg, we felt so lucky!
if we were just alittle later, we probably would have ended up in the q.
after filling our tummy, it's time for shopping!
walked along the street nearby before heading to take the train.
aft which, I brought them to the usual shopping mall that I usually go.
 really hot in Hong Kong!
and my longchamp bag came in handy when we started buying and buying and buying!
got alittle hungry aft walking for a few hours, so we decided to have dimsum for lunch.
found it, let's go!
making our order!
 dimsum in dimsum-land.
headed back to the hotel to deposit our buys before heading out again to the night markets!
and whenever we're back in the hotel, we tend to selfie. lol.
 and facetime the kids for a short while before heading out again.
back to shopping.
this time, to the streets!
street food.
dabao-ed dinner back to the hotel to makan.
sushi for dinner tonight!
 meimei's new hp cover.
I wanted to get this too, but they don't have it for Note4 :(
back in the hotel, we do what we do every night.
that is to plan tmr's itinerary before going to bed!
so glad I decided to do this coz it's probably the only time we can go on a trip tgt.
plus, this is the first time we are on a trip tgt!
yes, just the three of us!
teehee, so excited! so happy!
yay to another day in Hong Kong still tmr, with the girls.
goodnight for now!  

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