Friday, 12 June 2015

Taipei Day 2 - 黄金瀑布 / 阴阳海 / 九份老街

 good morning!

feeling really excited to spend our 2nd day in Taipei!

ytd we walked to the train station, today we decided to cab there coz it's not exp at all!
most imptly, we don't have to walk under the hot hot sun and perspire like mad even before we start the day.

while waiting for the next cab to arrive, we took some 'feeling' shots! HAHAHA


so when we were at Taipei station, we took a train, heading to Ruifang.
I think this initiative is so good.
at least the ladies feel safer at night. haha.

benben's way of a new selfie.

and now, just our head .-.
boarding boarding boarding!
hehe, excited!

the diff between this train and their usual jie yun(mrt), is that there's a toilet in this train.
and we thought we were smart to stand at that open area.
turned out nobody wanna stand there coz it was directly in front of the toilet.

the train journey took quite awhile, hence it's pics time!


and soon after, we arrived at Ruifang :D
we waited for the crowd to disperse before we could take a proper selfie :'>
and a pic with the front of the train we took!


ahhhhhhhhhh, so hot!
 in need of a drink and we spotted the authentic KOI in Taipei, so there we went to make our orders!

 coincidentally spotted a bird's nest on top the shop :O
while waiting for our drinks!

ok, everyone got theirs!
hehe, loving this happy vibe!
then we took a bus towards Jin Gua Shi.
the driver was such an F1 driver.
plus, the roads were really curvey and narrow!

group shot!
spotted fellow Singaporeans on the bus!

that's the 'F1 bus' we took.

map of Jin Gua Shi before we head in.
such interesting entrance.

outside the tourist info place.
we didn't explore Jin Gua Shi coz we weren't really interested in it, so we went to Huang Jin Pu Bu (Golden Waterfall) instead.
we were in a way lucky to chance upon this cab driver who offered to bring us to Huang Jin Pu Bu and Yin Yang Hai at a fixed price.
plus, we can alight and take pics!
so tadah! here are the pics!
so unbelievable.
and the water itself is poisonous, as warned by the cab driver who drove us up.
so... we can only see-no-touch. hehe.

with the sister!

scorching hot, but we would rather it be sunny then rainy!

dk what were the boys doing.


I wanna bring the parents and family for a trip overseas every year!
blove looked quite small behind benben in this pic :o

family lovin.
it was scorching hot!
aww~ my turn with blove!
the cab driver was super nice!
ok generally, Taiwanese are super nice!
the cab driver offered us an umbrella under that scorching sun, and also offered to be our photographer and told us to take as many pics as we want, take as much time as we want there, he will just wait. so so nice!
didn't rush us at all.
that really helped a lot!
ok, last wefie before we leave for our next stop.

damn... the sun was really scorching hot, such that I was perspiring till my panty was drenched! lol.
no joke.
kk, next stop --- Yin Yang Hai.

this place is alittle higher, and feels alittle more windy.
but when there's no wind, it's equally HOT!
family photo!

w my sibz!

sweetness to be contained :'>

this is one of the only few pics I have with blove coz it was so hot, and he was so irritated he doesn't want more pics w me :(



well, no boyfriend lovin', siblings lovin' is equally nice. heh.

the irritated faces under the hot hot sun.

group shot before we leave.

the cab driver also offered to drive us down to Jiu Fen Lao Jie.
alighted us by the road and we were attracted by the smell coming from Li Yi Bing Dian(李仪饼店).
boyfriend and I didn't intend to get anything, so we just waited by the side coz it was so so crowded!
teehee, the portable manual fans we got from HKG for 10hkd each came in so useful at times like these!
teehee, blow wind blow~
aft we were done with our purchases, we headed across the road...
and that's Jiu Fen Lao Jie!
the smell of the Hei Zhu Xiang Chang makes us just wanna get it!

looks so yummy too!

and we decided to get 3.
while waiting for our sausages.

oh so yummy!

 start of our street food adventure in Jiu Fen Lao Jie.
Fried Prawn Balls.


nomz nomz.


and while I was reading reviews abt must-try food in Taipei before our trip, I came across this as well!

 have no idea what is it and none of us knew how to read those words in Chinese.
but in any case, we went in to the shop to take a rest, ordered some to share.

this is the must-try.
taste like fishball, just diff shape.

enjoying our day so far! ^,^

 rare to see an empty street in front of us...

so it's selfie time!


also spotted the ice cream with peanut shavings wrapped in popiah skin.

but since we've tried that, we decided to leave our stomach spaces for something else.
eating and drinking as we walk ^,^

and while walking we spotted a dog which just sat in the middle.

aww~ so cute! haha
well, but I guess it was common.
nobody made a big fuss over it. lol.

this is another must-try that I've read abt!
so we got one portion to share!

ok, not really my kind of food.

but the rest enjoyed it fairly much!


then we saw mushrooms and so got another portion to share!

with food, we need drinks!
zomg, check out their watermelon!
so huge, and the shop owner told us that's one of the smaller ones alr :O
I also read about their bitter gourd juice which is a must-try.
we got one, but hmm... I think not everyone can take it. lol.

in need of food to wash the taste away. haha
benben's turn to try.

also don't like. lol.

find food, find food. lol.

meimei's turn.
ok, she sipped and doesn't like it either.

teehee, and so it landed in my hands
coz I felt it was still alright. haha

 daddy, our videographer for the trip :D
actually wild boar sausages was nice, until I see the pics they hang to promote their meat.
suddenly so turned off :/
I think it's better I just buy from a stall that doesn't show pics of the wild boars to us. lol.
this stall was given an award for their food.
so we bought one to share.

it just tasted so-so.

ahhhh, this is a must-try!!
this is what Jiu Fen Lao Jie is famous for!

it's like blackballs!
on a hot weather like this, one bowl of this icy goodness is just what we need!

walked on thereafter and found the 'cinque terre' that I was hoping to see on this trip!

 teehee at the top ^,^

while we were selfie-ing...

I got so upset and jelly coz...

I spotted boyfriend taking pics for some girls!
lol, and I told meimei to secretly take pic of him doing that, then can send him and kajiao later. HAHAHA

benben also kena to be the photographer to a group of boys.

 so in return, we got them to help us too ^,^
done with pics taking, we moved on!

 shadesssss (o,o)

THE famous steps.

 looking out from the cave, waiting for my prince charming. lol.

grabbed a chance for a wefie when there wasn't too much of a human traffic around!

and one with my blove :'*

again, another dog just plonked itself on one of the steps.
hahaha, machiam carpet la!

so glad the parents managed to conquer the flight of stairs!

eeww~ cat shop spotted at the end of the steps.
bye Jiu Fen Lao Jie, thanks for having us! :D
aft which, we took the train and headed back to Taipei Station.
it's difficult to find seats while walking on the streets or even at the platforms of train station, and this 2 boys will always be the ones who sacrifice the seats for us.
hehe, I feel sorry for their chopstick legs. lol.
but thanks anw ^,^
went to the underground at Taipei Station to walk.
found my Cong Zhua Bing aka Roti Prata,
I wantttttttt!
teehee, happy me!

then soon after, we went for dinner. lol.
we were full from all the street food!
not even hungry, but we still ate coz it was dinner time! lol.

aft dinner, the siblings and I spotted the snack we ate during our last Taiwan trip and got so excited we bought them while the rest went to the toilet.

selfie first!

eeyer, but not hot at all one.
not crispy too.
totally different from the last time we tasted it.
sigh... such a disappointment.

walked to the ground level and spotted egg puddings!
another must-try!
it's damn cute.
it comes in a box of 4, or u can decide on how many you want.

and the top part of the egg is cleanly removed, exposing the egg pudding in a real egg shell!
ok, taste was not bad, but have to share.
otherwise, jelat.

we went to get the egg puddings, turned around and couldn't find daddy.
turned out he was sitting in the middle of the center space and blended in with the rest of them.

pic time with our egg puddings!
and that marks the end of our day!
cabbed back, bought some snacks and drinks from the 7-11 just below our apartment.
came back, showered, then snacked and drank while watching teevee. lol.

my boy, beer-ing everywhere he goes!

haha okay, goodnight!
gonna prepare for another exciting day tmr!

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