Thursday, 3 December 2015

147th Solo : Sin-Lhr-Sin (London Day 2)

caught up with popo and Raphael since they were over.
met the rest at Westfield for breakfast.
bonding time with granny at London this time!
a re-visit to British Museum.
this time, with relatives :'>
aft which, we walked to Covent Garden Market.
took pic with him when on the streets.
he scared me :(
at the entrance of Covent Garden Market.
then we went for lunch.
at Jamie Oliver's!
with Rapahel's child meal. hehe.
went separate ways in the night and I headed back on my own coz I'm checking out tmr alr.
so fast :(
ahhh, those hugs before we part make me miss them so much more :(

esp popo!
her knees are hurting coz of the constant walking throughout the day and I'm so worried for her!
take care okay!
if legs/knees pain, must voice out!
thanks for the company and I'll see yall back in SG!
meanwhile, enjoy the rest of your holiday!
more photos on my FB!

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