Wednesday, 9 December 2015

SIN - FRA - JFK - MCO - SIN (Orlando Day 3) : Orlando Premium Outlets - Vineland Avenue / International Drive

breakfast in the morning!
then off we went to shop again!
took the I-Ride which brings us to the premium outlets at the International Drive.
excited for another day of shopping!
shopping time!
shop till sun set and tt's our shopping bags!
no time to eat, so we settled for pretzels before we cont shopping!
and we shopped till we missed the last bus back :/
luckily for Uber.
it's so useful here!
back in the hotel with all our loots!
 today, we bought a lot!
no place for dinner coz most of the restaurants were closed and we didn't wanna eat McDonald's again.
so we called for pizza delivery tonight!
teehee, would you share a coke with me? ^,^

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