Saturday, 26 December 2015

Gong Gong's Birthday Dinner.

gonggong's birthday dinner at AMK ITE this evening.
the early ones :'>

waiting patiently for everyone to arrive before dinner can be served.

because we were seated beside each other, so cam-whoring starts :D :D

included popo as well!

having pics of the 3 of us just reminds me of those days in HKG!
finally, when all have arrived, dinner is served.
first dish : shou tao!
gonggong, sheng ri kuai le!

food was good, but serving time takes quite awhile in between dishes.
so much time some can go for a smoke break while some of us can selfie :D

3 of us, with the grandparents! ^,^

and it has been awhile since I last had a selfie with meimei, so here goes!
gonggong and popo :D :D

with their grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

singing 3 birthday songs for gonggong!
he cuts the cake while Jayden blows off the candle.
hehehe, hope he enjoyed his day!

felt alittle bad coz dinner was alittle rush as I had to rush off elsewhere aft the dinner.
right after cake cutting, I headed off first and cabbed to the condo at Bukit Timah area that boyfriend and his colleagues were having bbq at.

I had dinner and i'm also attending the bbq. lol.

had a few satays, cleared up the area, then headed to drink.
spent some time with his colleagues, then shared a cab with another couple coz we're heading to the same area.

went to his place first, waited for him to shower.

then we cabbed to my place.
yippee! he's staying over again!

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