Monday, 13 October 2014

61st Solo : Sin-Hkg-Sfo-Sin (Hongkong Day#1)

good morning from dimsum land!

i'm so excited coz it's my first time doing this pattern and yay to long stay in Hongkong otw back!

don't really like their culture here, i find the locals quite rude.
but i like their food and shopping!

well well, it's day 1 here in Hongkong and we checked in to The Kowloon Hotel.

location of the hotel is not bad, but we don't have free wifi and that totally made my stay really terrible! :(
tried so hard to tap on wifi, but failed.
and i refused to buy the wifi coz i was only gonna stay here for a night!
hence, decided to save some money on that.

well, i met some of them for brunch at The Sweet Dynasty.

for my previous stays in Hongkong, i didn't get the chance to have some authentic dim sum.
this time, i finally got the chance to! :'>

took a look at the menu and we ordered like it's buffet style!

starting off with turnip cakes :D

and cheong fun with prawn fillings :D

drizzle the soy sauce :D


first 2 dishes to be served.
and we cant wait for more!

fried beancurd skin with some prawn fillings again :D

the first round of food ordered and this is only part of what was ordered!

now, time for some bao :D

char siew bao.
so warm, so soft, so shiok!

and my must-have : liu sha bao!
please note that there's a diff between nai huang bao and liu sha bao.
nai huang bao is just custard filling and its interior doesnt flow, but liu sha bao flooooooows!

a better illustration below! 
so yumz! :D

2nd round of dim sum coming up!

ordered congee this time too!
the all-time-fav century egg congee :D

and for dessert, we have warm silky beancurd!

its presentation is too cute, in a barrel with the syrup at the side.

when you open the lid... omg, my fav kind of food!

 and that's michelle portioning it for all of us! 
thank you! :'>

and for something cold, we tried their Mango Wrapped in Sticky Rice Balls.

and so, that was brunch.

group photos before going our separate ways!

catherine, michelle and i wanted to walk around before heading back to the hotel.
catherine was familiar with the area, so she brought us to the shopping mall which she claims all singaporeans will visit!

on our way to the train station.
yup, nearest station is 'Tsim Sha Tsui'.

i bought my oyster card(aka ez-link card) from my previous HKG trip, but the both of them havent, so there we were, to purchase the oyster card.

so cool, i think this is their anniversary version, but sadly, it was not released yet, so we cant purchase.

made our way to Mong Kok.

take exit D to Argyle Street.

then take about a 5 mins walk and tadah, this is the mall!

michelle and i shopped together while she went on her own.

spotted this 'frozen' 3D cake and i got reminded of 4yi and her cakes.
took a pic coz i wanna show her. haha.

we walked the mall and i spotted quite a number of things i wanna buy, but i told myself to control and only get it on my way back!

thus, we left the mall and headed to the streets outside.

streets of Hongkong.

wanted to walk Ladies Street, but got lost.
asked for directions, took a map and followed.

 was on an overhead bridge and the view was just so nice, don't you agree?!
the cramped up houses, the shopping street and the locals!

 spotted another awesome view while walking on the overhead bridge.
look at their signature red xiu bas!

omg, totally got reminded of the HKG dramas i watched!
so wanna watch HKG drama like nooooooooow!

walked, walked, walked and we finally found Ladies Street!

didn't get anything there coz during my previous trip to Ladies Street, i asked for price and didn't buy and got scolded by the stall owner for that .-. 
hence, this time, i don't even wanna ask for price if i'm not certain that i'll get.

walked on and at a cross junction, I SPOTTED THIS --- Hang Heung Cake Shop!
so so happy coz i can strike this off my to-do list!

this shop sells the freshest Wife Cake coz it's freshly baked!
gonna get 10 boxes of these omw back! :D

yes, we're still at Mong Kok but beware!

coz this is where the protest site is!
tents set up and all!

this is the closest we got to it and lol, we took a polaroid each, right at that spot!

shoo-ed away from the danger zone and headed back to Tsim Sha Tsui coz michelle said she wanna bring me to the place where they had dinner ytd.

before that, we snacked alittle on street food! :'>

we shared a stick of Grilled Octopus :'>

within walking distance from the mrt station, she brought me to Tsui Wah Restaurant coz she misses her Bo Lo Bao. haha.

i dont like butter, so i tried their Crispy Bun served with Sweet Condensed Milk.
(ahhhh but sadly, there was butter too!)

our meal :D

happy girl satisfied with her craving for Tsui Wah's Po Lo Bao.

while i was happy with my condensed milk toast.
am gonna try and do this myself at home! 
lol, it looked simple!

oh yes, and this is another interesting drink they have.
their Milk Tea Champagne.

what a fantastic idea!
they placed your bottle of milk tea in a bucket of ice to keep it chilled.
so, even if you wanna drink it at the end of your meal, it won't get diluted at all!

remember, nearest station is Tsim Sha Tsui :'>

went back to the hotel thereafter.

ahhhh, i feel so lonely and missed the boyfriend so so much coz i don't get free wifi here :(

hurriedly packed my luggages and took a really short nap before waking up to prepare for work.
we're doing a night flight to San Francisco

oh yes, we had a free welcome drink coupon when we checked in and i used it to redeem a cup of warm milk upon checking out :'>

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