Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Bangkok Jam

time flies, we're alr in the month of October.

first day of my annual leave and i'm spending it with the family :'>

headed to town for lunch at Bangkok Jam coz they have all not tried it before.

i have been having thai food for the past few times i was out, and have been ordering Pad Thai.

this time, i decided to try something different.

tried their Ba Mee Poo(Egg Noodles with Crabmeat, Prawns and Bacon).

well, that was a wrong choice.
it tasted just like HK noodles from tze char stall, plus it's super oily.

sigh... i should just stick to my Pad Thai.

parents enjoying their Pad Thai and Pineapple Rice respectively.

sis enjoyed her Pineapple Rice too.

ahhh, should have ordered Pad Thai :/

benben didn't join us coz he had to study and prepare for O levels!

aft lunch, it's shopping time!

dad went to find his friends.

sis went to church.

so that leaves with just mummy and i.

walked around town and shopped for awhile.
soon, it was dinner time.

i wanted to skip dinner coz i'm on a diet, but mummy was too sweet.

she did'nt want me to skip dinner and knowing that i'm on a diet, she suggested having salad with me.

aww~ i'm so touched!
mother-daughter moment. hehe.

back at home, i skyped the boyfriend coz his phone suddenly died on him.

no choice, he was phoneless so skype was a better option. heh.

he, supposed to be studying at home, but he suddenly felt like drinking and conveniently just went to get a can. haha.

and he can tell me he chose Heineken coz it matches his top. lol.

aiyo why my boyfriend so cute! haha!
cant wait to see him tmr!

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