Wednesday, 2 September 2015

128th Solo : Sin-Zrh-Sin (Zurich Day 1)

touched down in Zurich.
checked in.
went supermarket straight away.
haha, the pumpkins and the melons just look so cute and colourful together.
slept for awhile before heading out again with Kelly.
rushed our way to find the chocolate place coz Kelly is a huge chocolate lover.
explored Zurich alittle in the day.
sat on the bench, observing locals/other tourists.
who will do things like this.
haha, so cute!
enjoying the breeze.
 getting colder when night comes.
we walked and walked and came to this atas shopping street where branded brands are everywhere!
 in the night, we decided to have Macs for dinner, all because of the happy meal toy! :D
aft which, we bused back to hotel.

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