Saturday, 19 September 2015

Javier's 1st Birthday Party!

touched down from Munich, slept for awhile before gonggong comes and pick us up and sent us to biujie's home coz it's Javier's 1st birthday!

yes, she's holding a mini celebration at the function room ^,^

all dressed up, ready to attend the little boy's birthday celebration!

aww~ everything so mickey!
I like!

the pretty tiered cake baked by 4yi.
too talented, I must say!

 and soon after came the birthday boy!

haha, still teething.
everything also wanna chew~

trying to make him walk towards gonggong.

but he still end up crawling. lol.

put on his shoes for him, but he removed them, threw them away and started crawling. lol.

always smiling when he sees gonggong :D

and I thought these pics are quite heart-warming.

great grandparents and their great grandchild.

all smiley on his b'day :'>

towards the night, I brought out the surprise eggs I bought back from Munich!

and upon seeing them...

Jayden got so excited! haha :D

and I was afraid everything would topple.
so we told him to hold on, to wait.
and this is the face he gave us. LOL.

brought it out to the table outside and he got all excited again!

the straight face he gave again when we told him to wait. lol.

probably the few times he will ask me to carry him just so he can get the surprise eggs! hahaha :D
and again, he can't wait to get his hands on one!

group pic with the birthday boy.
happy 1st birthday Javier!
cake cutting.

but Javier was more interested in the car on top of the cake, it seemed. lol.

and of course, the cream~


really difficult to get him to look straight into the camera and smile.
well, didn't wanna waste the pretty cake, so we took turns for a pic with it :D


and this is what he usually do with the surprise eggs.

crack open, but don't eat the chocolate.
only interested in the toys.

mummy with the birthday boy.

he seldom smile.
only frown and yawn~ LOL

and eat. hahaha

reymus~ reymus~
on the other hand, Jayden brought his toys to the floor to play.
hahaha, so cute!
and I think these pics are so cute too!

their interaction.
Raphael and Jayden.

cayden, the super active kid.

balloons game.
so tiny with that bunch of balloons!

and when it's my turn with the balloons.

gonggong came to join me. lol.
ahh~ somehow, alcohol makes me miss the boyfriend.

Rachel darling!
all the best for your papers! 
with the girls!

hello reymus :D
and while I was busy talking and taking pic with the bunch of balloons in the room, the kids were out there playing lanterns!


 and they joined me when they return.

I likeeeeeeeee!

boyfriend didn't attend as he had to attend his aunt's b'day dinner which happens to fall on the same day too.
such a pity...
but it's alright, I know there'll be a chance!

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