Wednesday, 16 September 2015

131st Solo : Sin-Muc-Sin (Munich Day 1)

touched down in Munich.
checked in.

when my room is so big, I always wish for my loved ones to be here with me.
today's boyfriend's difficult exam.
so glad that I was still able to wish him all the best for his exam :)
waited for him to be done with his paper before I took my nap.
he passed! yipeeeeeeee!
so happy for him!
napped for awhile before meeting up with part of the set for lunch.

one of our colleagues brought us here for pork knuckles and beeeeeer.
open air seating.
lucky it didn't rain.
requested for English menu.
the big mug of beer.
if you're wondering how big, as compared to my face, that BIG!
tgt with the waitress who took really good care of us.
when in Munich, eat pork knuckles and drink beer.
ok honestly, I didn't really enjoy it. lol.
then we did a little shopping in town aft filling our tummies :)

these, seen almost everywhere.
introducing my shopping partner, Pei Hong!
it's her last flight alr!
omg, so fast!
stopped by for ice cream!
every building looks like a castle.

another pretty building as we walk along the streets.
a better shot aft people behind me all siam-ed :D
on the shopping street.

and look what we saw!
a walking hanger :O

and if you're wondering, the model's a HE.

just window shopped today.
coz we most likely will be returning to town tmr.
all the best, Pei Hong!
thank you for being my shopping partner!
hope your last flight was memorable!

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